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一、 完形填空 (共 1 小题) 收 起
At the age of nine, Kelly dreamed of being a basketball player. But one day when she was playing basketball, she hurt her left leg ____16____. The doctor told her she could no longer play basketball. What was worse, she needed help doing ____17____, including going to the bathroom.
Thinking that her dream could never come true, Kelly was in low spirits and ____18____ her studies at school. Her mother did all she could to cheer her up, ____19____ Kelly refused to change. She even took out all her anger and ____20____ on her mother.
Then one day Kelly’s friends introduced her to the gym. Kelly ____21____ that she should turn her attention to what she could do, not to what she couldn’t. Posting her story online, she got lots of kind and inspiring words. As she was ____22____ by the kindness, she returned to school for two half days a week. And with the ____23____ of a bodybuilding trainer, she trained hard and soon found herself on stage(舞台)performing—as a bodybuilder. Her mother was truly ____24____ and proud.
Today, Kelly is studying to be a life coach. She is at peace with what happened to her, not just physically, but mentally(精神上). “Sometimes you must experience ____25____ things to come out stronger on the other side,” said Kelly.
16. A. badly B. slowly C. easily
17. A. something B. nothing C. everything
18. A. talked about B. gave up C. thought of
19. A. so B. but C. or
20. A. pain B. fun C. love
21. A. warned B. realized C. suggested
22. A. disappointed B. surprised C. encouraged
23. A. help B. need C. promise
24. A. happy B. angry C. calm
25. A. little B. nice C. difficult
二、 阅读理解 (共 6 小题) 收 起
51. 当有人用“Nice to meet you.”跟你打招呼,你可以这样应答:
52. 你想知道对方的名字,可以这样问:
________________________________________________ your name?
53. 你想询问书包的价格,可以这样问:
________________________________________________ is this schoolbag?
54. 你想感谢英语老师,可以这样说:
55. 你觉得同学做得很好,可以这样夸奖:

In the closing years of the Sui Dynasty, a terrible flood (洪水) happened on the Xiao River outside the city of Zhaozhou. ___61___ flood brought down a large stone bridge.
People had rebuilt the bridge many ___62___ (time). But it was still washed away over and over again. “What’s wrong ___63___ it?” Li Chun, the most famous local engineer at that time, asked himself. He ___64___ (work) day and night at the drawing of the bridge and found out that the stone supports (支柱) couldn’t stand the force of the flood.
One day, an idea came into his mind! He thought of ___65___ (build) bow-shaped arches (拱) instead of stone supports. And there would be only one big arch, supported at each end by two small ones. When floods came, the waters would run through the ___66___ /fɔ: (r)/ small arches, bringing little influence on the bridge. He was ___67___ (great) excited by the idea, and danced happily right at his desk.
A new Zhaozhou Bridge was built. It was safe ___68___ beautiful. The local people of Zhaozhou were very ___69___ /glæd/ that the problem of the stone bridge was finally worked out. Now, this great stone bridge with a history of over 1,300 years has _____70_____ /bɪˊkʌm/ a classical example of China’s arched bridges. It shows the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people.
三、 其他题型 (共 2 小题) 收 起

1. like 2. in front of 3. should, save 4. now 5. have, class, yesterday
56. ____________________________________
57. ____________________________________
58. ____________________________________
59. ____________________________________
60. ____________________________________
71. 假定你是李华,近日你校开展了以“热爱劳动,珍爱粮食”为主题的实践活动。请你结合以下图示,用英语给笔友John写一封信,分享活动过程和感受。词数80左右。

Dear John,
How is everything going?
Li Hua
四、 单选题 (共 15 小题) 收 起
1. — Jenny, why not go for ________ picnic this Saturday?
— Sounds great.
A、 a
B、 an
C、 the
2. ________ May 2022, we held many events to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Communist Youth League of China.
A、 At
B、 In
C、 On
3. As the art festival is coming, they are preparing everything by ________.
A、 yourselves
B、 ourselves
C、 themselves
4. Please ________ the lights when you leave the room. Be a greener person.
A、 turn off
B、 turn on
C、 turn up
5. —Betty, you’d better follow the doctor’s ________ and do more exercise.
—I will. Thank you.
A、 advice
B、 agreement
C、 information
6. —May I ________ your pen? I can’t find mine.
—Sure. Here you are.
A、 repair
B、 make
C、 borrow
7. — ________ have you been a member of the Helpers’ Club?
— For two years.
A、 How soon
B、 How long
C、 How often
8. It’s important for us ________ hard in order to have a better life.
A、 work
B、 to work
C、 working
9. We are making a big cake ________ it’s Dad’s birthday today.
A、 because
B、 until
C、 once
10. Since 2021, our school ________ all kinds of after-school services for students.
A、 provides
B、 is providing
C、 has provided
11. —Our class did well in the school singing competition.
—Yes, you sang ________ of all.
A、 beautifully
B、 more beautifully
C、 most beautifully
12. As soon as the national hero came into the hall, everyone became ________ and stood up to welcome him.
A、 tired
B、 cheerful
C、 upset
13. Last month, the little girl ________ well enough by the neighbors while her parents were volunteering.
A、 is cared for
B、 was cared for
C、 will be cared for
14. —China won third place in the men’s 100-meter relay race at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
—Wonderful! We ________ Su Bingtian and his teammates.
A、 are proud of
B、 are friendly to
C、 are strict with
15. —Could you tell me ________?
—In Fuzhou University.
A、 when your brother will start
B、 what your brother looks like
C、 where your brother is studying