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一、 完形填空 (共 2 小题) 收 起
Sam was worried. The following morning, he would have art class. It was his favourite class, but there was a ____16____. Sam saw the world differently from everybody else. When he drew, birds had different-sized wings, and buildings had strange shapes. Every time he painted a picture, his teachers and classmates would be ____17____.
It was time for the art class. Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper in front of him.
“ Good morning class, ” said Mr. White. “ Today, we’re going to paint … ”
Sam ____18____, wondering what the next word would be. Please, he thought, not houses. Not buildings …
“ We’re going to paint ____19____” said Mr. White, with a smile.
“ Yes! Great! ” said Sam ____20____.
“ We can’t paint that! ” shouted Mike from the other side of the classroom.
“Sure you can,” replied Mr. White ____21____. “ Think about it, Mike. What makes you happy? ”
“ Umm … beaches, sunshine, and … ice-cream! ” said Mike.
“ Well, there you go. That’s how you paint it. Start working! ” said Mr. White.
Sam was already ____22____. He splashed (泼洒) large amounts of paint all over the ____23____. It was really beautiful! There were shapes that we didn’t have in the real world and the colours were so shining. The whole class ____24____ and Sam looked proud.
From that day on, Sam was never ______25______ about art class. He knew that he could paint happiness, no matter what he painted.
16. A. difference B. problem C. reason D. way
17. A. encouraged B. relaxed C. satisfied D. surprised
18. A. agreed B. replied C. understood D. waited
19. A. buildings B. houses C. happiness D. summer
20. A. excitedly B. carelessly C. kindly D. sadly
21. A. angrily B. patiently C. secretly D. worriedly
22. A. painting B. playing C. talking D. writing
23. A. book B. floor C. paper D. wall
24. A. cheered B. doubted C. finished D. regretted
25. A. careful B. certain C. happy D. nervous
Dunbuang is a historic city in Gansu. In ancient times, Dunhuang was an important c ___46___ of trade. As the Silk Road developed, Dunhuang became China’s western gateway to the world. Here, different cultures met and influenced each other. People from f ___47___ countries did business and communicated with the local people.
If you v ___48___ Dunhuang, you will be able to see the Mogao Caves(莫高窟). If you walk i ___49___ , you will discover some of the wonderful artworks. There are over 45,000 square metres of beautiful paintings on the cave walls, as well as thousands of statues.
Over the years, China has made great efforts to protect the Mogao Caves. Today, you can also find high-quality photos of the artworks on the Internet. People all over the world now have a c ___50___ to see Dunhuang’s treasures online.
二、 阅读理解 (共 5 小题) 收 起
51. 凯特计划参加学校科学日活动。
Kate was planning to ______ ______ ______ the activities on the school Science Day.
52. 凯特想知道她是否能为科学日做些事。
Kate wondered ______ ______ ______ ______ something for the Science Day.
53. 一开始,凯特小组制作水火箭有困难。
At first, Kate’s group ______ ______ ______ ______ the bottle rocket.
54. 在科学老师的帮助下,凯特小组的水火箭得以成功发射。
With the help of the science teacher, the bottle rocket ______ ______ successfully by Kate’s group.
55. 学校科学日很精彩。凯特小组真高兴!
The school Science Day was wonderful. ______ ______ Kate’s group were!
三、 其他题型 (共 1 小题) 收 起
56. 你校将兴建新图书馆,学校英文报以“My Green School Library”为题向学生征稿。请根据以下思维导图的内容提示写一篇短文投稿,介绍你所设计(design)的绿色图书馆。

My Green School Library
I want to design a green school library.
四、 单选题 (共 1 小题) 收 起
When I was nine years old, I wanted to keep a pet fish. After months of ___1___, I finally had enough money to get one. I named it Bob, I put ___2___ beautiful toy house with windows in the tank (鱼缸) so that Bob could swim through. Sometimes, I would draw pictures of ___3___ fish and sea plants and tape them to the side of the tank, so Bob wouldn’t get lonely while I ___4___ at school.
However, ___5___ a month, I noticed that the tank was getting dirty. My dad asked me ___6___ it into the kitchen. He wanted to make sure I knew ___7___ to do so that Bob wouldn’t get hurt.
First, my dad told me to reach ___8___ into the tank and take the house away. ___9___ I took my hand out of the water, I noticed that the water was a lot ____10____ than I thought.
“ That’s smelly! ” I said. “ Let’s hurry up and ____11____ the fish out of the water, Dad! ”
“ Not so fast, Ben, ” Dad said. “ We need to save some of the old water, ____12____ Bob needs a place to stay while we clean the tank. ”
“ Why? ” I asked.
“ Running water from the tap can be harmful to fish, ” Dad explained. “ That ____13____ we can’t put Bob into fresh water right away. Instead, we need to put him in a cup with ____14____ of the dirty water for a while. ” …
All seemed so easy. I hoped the next time I would be able to clean the tank all by ____15____.
1. A. save B. saves C. saved D. saving
2. A. a B. an C. the D. /
3. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others
4. A. am B. was C. were D. will be
5. A. before B. for C. after D. during
6. A. bring B. bringing C. brought D. to bring
7. A. where B. what C. how D. why
8. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. caring
9. A. If B. Unless C. When D. Though
10. A. dirty B. dirtier C. dirtiest D. the dirtiest
11. A. get B. gets C. got D. getting
12. A. so B. or C. because D. but
13. A. mean B. means C. meant D. is meaning
14. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
15. A. me B. my C. mine D. myself